Latest News and Announcements
Student Registration
Kindergarten 2024
Please call to give us your child's information if you have a kindergarten age student ready to start in September 2024 so we can be sure to invite you to our round-up.
Please remember your child must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2024.
Homelessness Information
The Woodland Township School District ensures that homeless children enroll and succeed in school and those children and their families receive the educational services for which they are eligible. Grant funds are available for eligible families through McKinney-Vento Homeless Grant and can be accessed through the district’s Homeless Liaison. For more information, contact the Supervisor of Pupil Services/District Homeless Liaison, Carolyn Fischl, Ed.S., NCSP at 609-726-1230, 224.
Child Find
If you have a child whom you believe may have difficulty with developmental progress (cognitive, communication, motor, social/emotional, adaptive and/or learning); they may be eligible for special education education and related services.
Burlington County School Crisis Response Team
We are a participating school district for the BCSCRT. If you would like further information about the responsibilities of this team please visit
NJ Abuse Hotline
Report Child Abuse - If you or someone you know is experiencing verbal, emotional, or physical abuse, including neglect call 1-877-NJABUSE